Creative play

Creative play

Every body needs a treasure box.  Creative play and inspiration. This week in my studio. This week I have wound down and and next week it will be a little more, but never for long. This week I have put together scarf kits for sale on FB with lots of yummy colours and...
A window into my studio 8

A window into my studio 8

A window into my studio 8 Creative Play Continuing from “Window into my Studio 6 and 7” “I can’t draw”  Continuing on from “A window into my studio 6 and 7”.  I have been experimenting in the past 3 blogs with ways to develop...
A window into my studio 5

A window into my studio 5

A window into my studio 5 Tyvek, colours, melts, twists and sews        Wow another week has passed me by in my studio and a pretty industrious one  I  thought I would share with you a little about my week, really not much difference to most weeks in my...


Inspiration I am often asked what inspires me and my answer is life.   With that thought I wandered around my garden – it is the ordinary that is extraordinary – everyday life, travel, the beach, family, all the good stuff that me makes me happy. The...

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