by Chelle | Dec 13, 2017 | creative play, teaching and travel
Silk lap scarf or wrap A Christmas wish to all for joy, laughter, forgiveness, acceptance, tolerance, laughter, warm embraces and many many moments of riotous giggling. hold close those you love and always but always look for the magic My gift to you all...
by Chelle | May 11, 2017 | creative play, Inspiration, teaching and travel
Rich jewels These jewels can be bright and sunny brooches on a winter coat, can be grouped together to fill a frame or individual treasures to gift an hang on the wall or wear. . “The creative is the place where no one else has ever...
by Chelle | Jan 9, 2017 | creative play, Inspiration, Studio, teaching and travel
Using some of that “stuff “in the sewing room 2 “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ― Albert Einstein Creating a window into a festive garden from your pre stretched small canvas. ...
by Chelle | Nov 23, 2016 | creative play, Inspiration, Studio, teaching and travel
Give a beautiful hand made gift, a card that becomes a back lit feature stitched by you and given from the heart. Please note this blog is written for the Bernina corporate blog so it references Bernina sewing machines, I am sure with your creativity you...
by Chelle | Nov 9, 2016 | creative play, Inspiration, teaching and travel
Textile bling to wear It is a beautiful early Spring morning the parrots are busy in the vibrant red bottle brush, the sweet pea are in flower the glorious Spring breeze abounds with a slight scent of Summer. I am a morning person and love to hear and...
by Chelle | Sep 22, 2016 | creative play, Inspiration, teaching and travel
Mystical journal cover This is an article I have written for the Bernina corporate blog , I thought I would share with you.You may have already seen it as it has been shared by various others. Hope you enjoy. ...